Thursday, February 3, 2011


Right now, I’m sitting in a coffee shop; Piano man enthusiastically playing John Mayer, sipping coffee from a cup bigger than my face, and it has occurred to me that life is good. I mean, really good. So good that I had to write a run-on sentence.

Pretty soon the swaying, scarf wearers will begin to sing along with him. Ahh, there it is. Oh! And some clapping. It seems so perfectly right for us to chime in this way. A handful of strangers sharing a same thought, laughing through half-sipped coffee cups, and crescendo-ing from secretly humming along in our chair to piecing confidence together from nods and smiles until we’re boldly singing with each other.

Or perhaps the two sets of friends who have brought their Bibles, seeking the Kingdom of God and putting holy words into relational terms. This moment is my favorite of the night. What a beautiful picture of the way God created us. We are so relational and a lot of times it’s easier to forget.

It’s the reason why hearing people sharing jokes and watching them stand to greet friends is so refreshing. The explanation behind why a handful of people joining together in song is so impactful. Don’t we all want to be shamelessly known? To be identified with a group and share moments of unity with others? And the best part is that we are. We are shamelessly and visibly known by Christ.

Now “Gravity” slows to an end and we all snap, glad to know and be known.

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